Zoom meetings are a part of our new normal to connect with co-workers, friends, and family. Any application will have some issues when getting a 500% increase of usage in less than 30 days. Zoom has had its fair share of security issues brought to light. So, what are things you can do to help keep you as secure as possible? Here are a few suggestions to help you:
Prevent Zoom bombing - This is when someone logs into your meeting that should not be there. Observe the following suggestions to make sure your Zoom meeting stays private. You can visit this site and this video for more suggestions. Here are the distilled recommendations:
- Never post your Zoom meeting details on social media!
- Never use your personal meeting ID. Always generate a random meeting ID.
- Always use a meeting password.
- Use Zoom’s waiting room feature.
- Mute audio and disable video for meeting attendees.
- Turn off screen sharing for everyone but the meeting host/co-host.
Disable your video when joining a meeting by default – There was a bug in the past that allowed others to join your computer to a Zoom meeting in the background. It was complicated and affected a small number of people. It has since been fixed but this is still a good recommendation. Visit this site to show you how to disable your video/audio by default.